
IISc and IIT professors among 6 winners of Infosys Science Prize

BENGALURU: Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, Professor G Mugesh has been named as among the six winners of the Infosys Science Prize 2019 in Physical Sciences for his seminal work in the chemical synthesis of small molecules and nano-materials for bio-medical applications, the software major said on Thursday. Among the other winners are Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay (IIT-Bombay) computer science and engineering chair professor Sunita Sarawagi for her research in databases, data mining, machine learning and natural language processing, which led to important applications. According to ISF, Sarawagi’s work finds practical application in cleaning unstructured data such as addresses on the Internet and repositories, enabling efficient handling of queries. IIT-Mandi School of Humanities and Social Sciences assistant professor Manu V Devadevan received the award for his original and wide ranging work on pre-modern South India. “He critically reinterprets much of the conventional wisdom about the cultural, religious and social history of the Deccan and South India,” said the ISF commenting on his contribution. Recognised under the Humanities category, Devadevan’s primary research interests are political and economic processes in pre-modern South India, including literary practices and ancient inscriptions. Hyderabad-based Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology’s (CCMB) chief scientist Manjula Reddy won the prize under life sciences category for her ground breaking discoveries on the structure of bacteria cell walls. Reddy along with her colleagues identified the critical steps of cell wall growth, which serve as fundamental pointers for comprehending bacterial biology, ISF said. “This work could potentially help in creating a new class of antibiotics to combat antibiotic-resistant microbes,” said ISF. — IANS