
Dedicated team keeping eye on Covid-19 situation in Dhofar

SALALAH:  The Directorate General of Health Services in Dhofar has been seriously pursuing efforts to combat the spread of Coronavirus (Covid-19) in cooperation with various public and private sectors institutions. So far there are seven confirmed Covid-19 cases in the Dhofar Governorate. A dedicated Committee comprising the medical response team and public health departments discussed the developments emerged out of the Covid-19 situation in the Sultanate and the governorate in particular. The Committee also reviewed the latest situation of the cases related to the isolation of patients, home and institutional isolation and other developments associated with Covid-19. The Committee also took into account the number of hotels identified to be used as isolation centres for the cases coming from outside the Sultanate. The Directorate General of Health Services in Dhofar has been tasked by Supreme Committee to dealing with the Covid-19 situation, to examine the work in the current situation. For this round the clock monitoring system is in place in Salalah in coordination with the central operations room to keep an eye on the situation. The people involved in the monitoring process are drawn from administrative, medical, technical apparatus based on the directives of the Supreme Committee.