
Spotlight: Back to square one

The spike in the number of infected people with the virus has dashed everyone’s hope of normalcy after one full year of suffering. The roll-out of vaccines had some silver lining. Still, the number of cases everywhere has brought the situation back to square one. It is true, however, that only roll-out out of the vaccines is not the solution. People have to come out and take the vaccine. They should not pay attention to the rumours and wrong information being spread about the vaccines. The World Health Organization has a clear message for the world to get away from the situation. That is fool-proof prevention and vaccination. The disease is there till the condition is there. Under the current circumstances, it will not go till the last man develops immunity. Vaccines are the safest way to fight the pandemic. “No one is safe until everyone is safe’’, Dr Tedros Adhanom, Director-General of the World Health Organization, has rightly summarised today’s pandemic situation. ‘Vaccine equity’ is equally important. The WHO has called for vaccine equity, describing it not merely as ‘the right thing to do’ but ‘the smart thing to do.’ The WHO has also called for cooperation among the countries to manage the pandemic in the earliest possible manner. “The longer it takes to suppress the virus everywhere, the more opportunity it has to change in ways that could make vaccines less effective, an opportunity to mutate. We could end up back at square one. More vaccines are being developed, approved and produced. There will be enough for everyone, but for now, vaccines are a limited resource. We must use them as effectively as we can’’, the WHO Director-General said. A proactive medical professional and expert in internal medicine, Dr Harish Kumar, calls awareness the most important tool to handle the current situation. “Take the vaccine if it is available and wait with adherence to all preventive measures until your turn comes... No compromises with the safety norms. The disease is very much there. New mutants have developed. It is time for extreme caution’’, he said. He came out heavily on a section of people who are in total denial of the disease. “It is happening just because the current generations have never seen a pandemic of this enormity. For the first time in human memory, a pandemic has affected everyone — physically, economically or mentally. Since no one has seen a pandemic of this enormity, those who are denying it, do not believe it.” He called for all out awareness drive for prevention and vaccination.