
Which role you play on stage?

Acting, as a performance art, is basically pretending to be someone else other than yourself. It is well known that when acting, actors and actresses become characters using their facial expressions, vocals, emotions and body language to bring the character to life. The most difficult part is bringing all these characters in front of a TV screen or direct audience of a staged show or a play!

Acting is an interesting skill, but it is not an easy one that anybody can perform. Perhaps, acting on TV is easier than acting on stage where actors and actresses could interact with the audience. In acting, an actor is supposed to act as if there is no one around, but only him and other actors. In fact, that is what makes acting so attractive and thrilling; you get to break all your own rules and act as someone else!

It has been said that acting is a sport; how is that possible? On stage, the actor must be ready to move like a tennis player on his toes. His concentration must be keen, his reflexes are sharp; the body and mind are in top gear, the chase is on. Acting is an energy by itself! In a theatre, people pay to see energy on stage. If you can do all of this, then you can be a good actor!

Are you a good actor or a potential one who could bring a different personality on stage other than him?! If you have interest and passion to be an actor, then it is just a matter of acquiring relevant skills. Acting requires a number of skills including a well-developed imagination, emotional competence, physical expressivity, vocal projection, clarity of speech and the ability to interpret drama.

On the other hand, not only professional actors, but many people, nowadays, are enticed by theatre and drama. Properly, for some theatre and acting is part of their day-to-day life. For them, acting is life, acting is entertainment, acting is escaping their own personality! As William Shakespeare stated, “All the world is a stage, and all the men and women merely players”.

Reflecting on acting, life is like a play in the theatre; you play your role with other people of different characters on stage. However, representing people of diverse attitudes, morals and objectives in life, all actors are not all honest and professional. There are those who try to break you down and others who spark your inspiration to be a better person. However, you should be thankful to both as all are trying to show you exactly who you want or do not want to be!

As Mahatma Gandhi advised, “You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. Honest differences are often a healthy sign of progress.” Everyone has to take part in the play of life, in which all play with actors and actresses of different intentions, mindsets, attitudes and principles.

Life, as a play, doesn’t matter how long it lasts, but how well it was played. Probably, it is time now for some people to experience theatre and find out who they are and discover who they could become afterward! Although good characters by nature remain the same, one should be very careful from the bad ones. While acting do not let other actors ever break your soul; always stand on your own feet and stand up for yourself. Hold on your head high, smile and stand your own ground.

The lights dim, the audience settles, the curtain rises, preparation comes to execution and a story comes to life. The curtain is up and you are on stage now, so get out there and give it your best shot!