
Be positive to beat exam blues

Positive thinking becomes a powerful tool in navigating the stress associated with exams, fostering resilience and emotional well-being

Students and their parents share a common aspiration for academic success, often associating high grades. The exam period, however, tends to cast a shadow of stress and, for some, depression. Notably, responses to stress and anxiety vary among individuals, with some constantly feeling tension while others experience a sense of isolation. Fortunately, there are strategies to navigate stress and maintain a positive outlook.

Maryam al Mashaikhiyah, a mathematics teacher, underscores that parental pressure is a significant contributor to student depression. Unintentionally, parents may impose immense stress by dictating their children's educational paths, often disregarding the child's interests and strengths. This includes academic pressures arising from expectations that surpass the student's capabilities. Societal expectations, too, play a role, assigning an exaggerated value to exams without considering the diverse aptitudes among students.

According to Abdullah bin Said al Hakamani, a parent, education extends beyond exams, certificates and final grades. Emphasising that true excellence lies in mastering one's chosen field, he advocates for recognising the intrinsic value of education irrespective of the academic subject.

From a psychological standpoint, Maryam al Ghailaniyah, an educational and psychological counsellor, notes that exam-induced depression shares similarities with regular depression.

Symptoms like difficulty concentrating, restlessness and disturbed sleep manifest during the exam. She recommends prioritising sufficient sleep, adopting relaxation techniques and minimising stress associated with exams. Journaling is also suggested as a tool to organise thoughts and gain a fresh perspective. Regular self-assessment can aid in identifying signs or symptoms of depression.

Maintaining a positive mindset is crucial during exam periods. It is easy to succumb to the negative aspects of exams, but viewing this phase as temporary is imperative. Reminding oneself that challenges will pass and that a well-deserved holiday awaits can contribute to a more optimistic outlook. Positive thinking becomes a powerful tool in navigating the stress associated with exams, fostering resilience and emotional well-being.