
Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (AI Ethics)


Artificial intelligence (AI) has permeated virtually every facet of contemporary life, from managing email communications to harnessing the power of search engines and their tools. In education, AI is rapidly being adopted in the classroom, and it has the potential to revolutionize the way that teachers teach, and students learn. Here are just a few of the ways that AI is being used in the classroom today: Individualized learning: AI can be used to individuate student data and provide each student with a personalized learning experience. This means that the student chooses the level that suits him without affecting his peers, who have different levels. Assessments' procedures: AI can be used to automate grading and provide students with immediate feedback on their work. This can help students identify and correct mistakes more quickly. Virtual labs: AI can be used to create virtual labs that allow students to experiment with different concepts without having to worry about safety or equipment. This can be a great way for students to learn about science and engineering. Language learning: AI can be used to help students learn new languages. This can be done through chatbots, games, and other interactive activities.

As AI continues to develop, it's transforming the future of education, offering new possibilities for enhancing teaching and learning. Notwithstanding, it raises profound ethical concerns and challenges that need to be considered and addressed by educators, policymakers, researchers, and developers. As the primary findings of (Kurni, Mohammed& Srinivasa, 2023) study showed that AI can enhance student learning and complement the work of (human) instructors in the near to medium-term future without replacing them. However, what about the moral and ethical implications of this? Furthermore, AI could make it possible to bridge age-old learning gaps like “school vs. home.” AI promises more individualization in education, but it also poses the danger that students may become isolated from their peers. Succinctly put it, some of the key issues in AI ethics include 1. Fairness: AI systems should be fair and unbiased and should not discriminate against individuals or groups of people. 2. Privacy: AI systems should respect the privacy of individuals and their data. 3. Transparency: AI systems should be transparent and explainable so that people can understand how they work and why they make the decisions they do. 4. Accountability: There should be clear accountability for the development, use, and misuse of AI systems. 5. Safety: AI systems should be safe and secure and should not pose a risk to individuals or society.

According to (Taxila Business School Blog,.n.d/ https://taxila.in) addressing the ethical issues associated with the integration of AI in education holds paramount significance for a multitude of reasons. Foremost, it is crucial to protect human rights and dignity of students and teachers. Furthermore, the ethical issues of AI in education may affect the quality and effectiveness of educational processes and outcomes as well as affect the equity of educational opportunities and benefits. In the same context, the (Taxila Business School Blog) indicated that ethical issues of AI in education require a multi-stakeholder approach that involves collaboration among educators, policymakers, researchers, developers, and other actors in the AI ecosystem. For instance: Developing ethical frameworks and guidelines, implementing ethical practices and standards, promoting ethical education and awareness, and strengthening ethical governance and regulation.

In sum, the widespread use of AI in education has prompted widespread educators' and stakeholders' concerns. Therefore, it’s essential that we think carefully about the ethical implications of AI and develop frameworks to ensure that it is used responsibly.