
Be fair to yourself...

Longing to have a happy life with a decent living is a wish of all. However, each one is pursuing this dream in a different way; some are in a rush to get the easy life, perhaps they think of certain ways to shortcut the journey. On the other hand, others are slow and more careful to reach the destination. That is why people are taking different approaches and directions. Possibly, chasing their dreams is based on the sequence of priorities in their lives. After all, happiness is what everyone is after as a common factor.

On the career development front, for instance, there are people who think to change their jobs every now and then. To them, that is how they gain more experience and learning from life or they like changing jobs every couple of years. In contrast, there are those job-seekers who are struggling to find any kind of job just for the sake of making a living. All that matters to them is to get paid. On the contrary, there are those elders who already had enough experience, challenges and struggles in life. Thus, they are looking forward to the days of retirement and having a rest after all the hard years of work.

Everyone has a different interest, depending on their attitudes and mindset! To each one of those different types of people, life is being unfair. The employed ones are not happy with what they got or what they are currently doing for a living. Thus, they regard life is unfair as they have not had the good opportunities like others. To the job-seekers, life has not been fair with them for not offering the job opportunities they have been dreaming of; though some have got a job at least.

To the retired or about to retire people, some regret the old days they have sacrificed over the past years and now they are coming to retirement time. Likewise, they could be unhappy with the compensation, which they will receive in return for their retirement after long years of employment. Probably, the retirees might believe that the end-of-service benefits and compensation is unjust to them for what they had delivered and achieved. It is all based on your employer, your job, your wage as well as the number of years of service.

Eventually, it is one's hard work and fate of what he/she gets in this life. Everyone should have some faith and satisfaction to accept what he/she is being granted. But it is human nature that they would never be happy with whatever they get; always they are greedy to get more and more. This is not always the case with people, but sometimes they come to this stage of depression or disappointment due to an unpleasant incident or a failure that they have experienced.

People’s feelings and are mostly behind the type of attitudes and beliefs they express in different situations. Sometimes, they blame colleagues, friends or family members for whatever feelings or attitudes they have. Not only that, but they attribute that others are being unfair with them and they are the reason behind their failure or disappointment at work or personal life.

Regardless of what happens, it is only them who will face the music for their attitude. Therefore, one should look at the positive side of whatever is experienced; there is always a learning behind it. The lesson will be received sooner or later, so one has to take every challenge positively. Every human shall never ever put the key of own happiness in someone’s else pocket; it is under your control to be whoever you want to be!