
Work smart not hard...

Pleasing all people is an impossible mission to achieve, so don’t even try to think about it. However, having a healthy work environment and a good leader is very important indeed. This will highly have a positive impact on employees and accordingly will be reflected on their performance. Sometimes, it is just a matter of maintaining a stress-free environment and friendly relations and good chemistry of trust between employees and with the management too.

Among the frustrating issues for employees is the ill-management of tasks that are assigned to each employee. Unfortunately, this creates unnecessary work load for employees most of the time; in fact, it provokes their temper and disappointment. The improper and unfair distribution of daily assignments and tasks is behind the lack of having teamwork spirit as well as friendly relation between workmates and employees in any organisation.

Having no efficient prioritising of tasks is another matter, which many employees and managers are not taking into consideration very often. Thus, employees might suffer a miserable daily routine full of unnecessary tension and work load. Consequently, the quality of deliverables and performance are poor and below standards and expectations. If it happens in an organisation where services are to be delivered, this will certainly dissatisfy customers and might negatively affect the organisation’s reputation and performance.

Neither the employee nor the customer would like this to happen, but sometimes it is out of one’s control. Both will be the victims of a bad management or a careless boss who cares for nothing, but himself and to make the missions accomplished, regardless of quality. Unfortunately, such kind of a boss is not an accountable manager or a leader at all. Always, a good leader is the one whose actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more. This is a real leader whom all employees would constantly need at a work place!

Bosses should implement the policy of smart work, and not hard work, so that they can be good leaders for their employees. Hammering employees with lot of tasks every single day just to keep them busy all the time is not the right way of making them competent employees who can deliver. If tasks and responsibilities are not smartly managed and assigned, this will of course be reflected on employee’s dedication, loyalty and performance. Accordingly, this will impact the returns of investment on employees, reflecting their spirit and interest.

Due to the wrong management style and attitude of a boss, employees become very pitifully irritated. Instead they lose interest in their workplace, boss, colleagues and organisation alike. Therefore, usually, these impressions of employees are brought to friendly discussion at workplaces and public gatherings. Such frequently discussed talks are regarded as an opportunity of having a constructive evaluation and sharing personal experiences at work.

To tell the truth, it is not abnormal that people tend to highlight an issue or a certain situation with others out of disappointment or looking for an advice or an opinion at least. Else, it could be a matter of sharing a good experience out of being positive about a place of work or a person. As a talk of different angles, definitely it touches on positive and negative concerns that employees have. However, such kind of talk would always brings the attention on how one could manage his attitude and reaction at a workplace.

Dear bosses, if quality is required, you just need to have a good chemistry with your employees and work smart not work hard. Further, you should prioritise tasks and be fair enough! Have some trust, confidence and accountability on employees, so they can deliver quality work on time. Just ensure having a good team spirit among employees and rest assured they will spare no effort to bring about their best in the organisation and be dedicated and professional.