
Lead by example, boss

Lead by example, many bosses never cease to tell their staff. This means an employee should perform well and be an obedient employee to his/her boss.

Unfortunately, the one stating “lead by example” every now and then rarely walks the talk. They are just giving the order to others while not trying to be a real example to their colleagues. Such behaviour is very common among bosses who are neither professionally competent nor show good leadership. Possibly, they know nothing about managing a team and got into the role by default. In other words, they are not even good at leading themselves, so how could they lead others!

Such kinds of bosses are present in many organisations where they are a pain in the neck to employees. On the other hand, they are arrogantly giving others a cold shoulder and messing things up sometimes. A bad leader demotivates those who work under him/her and is a source of irritation to employees.

In worse case scenarios, those bad bosses could even affect the performance of the organisations due to the negative impressions they spread all over among others. Such bosses sometimes control their employees’ day-to-day tasks regardless how important it is. They also interfere in whatever employees do, trying to micromanage them in a very unprofessional way.

Perhaps, they do this due to their lack of confidence in their employees, which is totally unprofessional. By this interference, those bosses believe it is a practical way of managing the team. Indeed it is not. In fact, all they do is spoil their own team as well as giving their colleagues hard times and spoiling their spirit.

What is even worse is that those unpleasant bosses are depriving team members from exercising their basic rights such as taking leave or emergency offs to name a few. Here they are being aggressive and selfish by not being fair. Just imagine how you could work with such a bad boss with inhuman feelings and behaviour.

It is totally intolerable! Yet it is really unfair and unprofessional the way those bosses manage their teams.

Do you think giving those bosses special courses on leadership and management to change their attitudes?! It could be a useful way to fix and turn them into a better person, though it is not guaranteed as some of them would not even be willing to change their work style. However, it is worth trying for some at least.

Organisations should take such employee unfriendly bosses under intensive training, so they don’t lose other employees. Those arrogant bosses should clearly understand that leaders should always be real models to their colleagues. In other words, they should be a source of inspiration and guidance to others.

Dear bosses, you are a real leader if your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, and do more. Therefore, just be humble and responsible for the mission you are assigned too. Promote good chemistry and spread the spirit of teamwork among those who are under you. They will spare no effort to bring about their best to the organisation.