
Teachers' Emotions and Productive Career

Life at the academe

In teaching, knowledge and emotion are bound together. Teachers impart knowledge and act as role models and mentors for their students. A growing body of research has examined the essential role of teachers' positive emotions in classroom effectiveness, as enthusiasm and joy, can lead to a more engaging and supportive classroom environment, while negative emotions, such as frustration and anxiety, can lead to increased tense and unproductive ones.

Additionally, research has revealed that teachers who can effectively regulate their own emotions can better support their student's emotional development and create a positive learning environment. However, researchers observed that there is no training framework for either investigating teachers' emotions or addressing them.

Therefore, it is crucial for teacher training programs and professional development opportunities to address the role of emotions in teaching and provide support and resources for teachers to manage their emotions in the classroom effectively. Doing so can create learning environments that promote positive emotional experiences for both teachers and students, leading to enhanced academic performance and productive professional life.

Besides the results shown by the research above, Mandip et al., (2012) stated that "emotional intelligence and job satisfaction are two concepts of high interest in the modern work environment.

They serve as a competitive edge in personal and organizational life. The education system or the teaching profession is one of those within which, individuals could reap great advantages from the knowledge of emotional intelligence owing to recurrent human communication that exists among them. It has been found that a lack of job satisfaction leads to lower productivity, higher absenteeism, poor judgment, defensive behavior, hostility, reduction in creativity, and job turnover".

According to Allen & Meyer (1990), "There are three indicators that indicate an affective commitment in a person, namely: 1. Emotional attachment. It is a feeling of attachment to the organization. He feels that he is part of the family which is shown by a high sense of belonging to his organization. 2. Identification. A person could be able to believe that he and the organization have the same goals and values, hence he feels that the organization will be able to support his performance and gives him a sense of pride for being part of that organization. 3. Participation. Trying to give the best results with their abilities and improve performance to achieve organizational goals. (In Bayu et al., 2023). Hence teachers are not only responsible for providing academic knowledge, but a good teacher must also have a deep understanding of the emotional and psychological needs of their students a teacher's frustration, anger, or disappointment can negatively impact students' learning and performance.

In conclusion, teachers who are emotionally' committed will perceive a student's emotions as a part of their responsibilities as well as a work environment' challenge that must be resolved. Therefore, teachers require not only teaching skills but also emotional intelligence. Teachers who possess empathy, patience, and a positive attitude toward their students can create a supportive learning environment where students can thrive academically and emotionally. The emotions and feelings of a teacher play a crucial role in shaping job satisfaction and a productive career. Therefore, improving teacher training programs could be beneficial to teachers if designed that consider teachers' emotions and feelings.
