
Responsibilities of a scientific researcher

The researcher should be connected to society and understand its problems and needs in order to diagnose these problems

Given the importance of the subject and its significant impact on human life and development, I will attempt to shed light on all of these issues in this article.

Any student or scientific researcher should thoroughly read the scientific researcher's duties, specifications, and ethics. Useful scientific research is that which is directed towards positive and beneficial outcomes rather than negative outcomes that may cause destruction.

Scientific researchers have the following responsibilities to the community: The researcher should be connected to society and understand its problems and needs in order to diagnose these problems, study them, and find appropriate solutions that contribute to the development of society. The researcher should be interested in involving all civil society institutions in research and granting them the right to benefit from the findings and solutions of scientific research and attempting to keep any damages to a bare minimum.

Scientific researcher's responsibilities for scientific researchers participating in the study: Commitment to everything that has been agreed upon with these scientists. Dealing with them in an ethical manner while adhering to fair and equitable rules. Participants in scientific research must protect their personal rights while adhering to all safety and security regulations.

The scientific researcher's responsibilities in relation to the research study are as follows: Setting a deadline for completing the scientific study and demonstrating its significance and anticipated benefits. Reliance on organisation and objectivity in all stages of scientific research preparation, study, and writing, beginning with defining the problem and gathering information about it and progressing through all stages until scientific research is completed, and reaching accurate results proven and proven by evidence and evidence. All scientific procedures and standards are used with great precision. Ensuring scientific integrity, documenting references and sources in a scientific and academic manner, and adhering to accepted quotation limits.

General responsibilities of a scientific researcher: Preparing and conducting scientific research on one of the specific phenomena or problems to which the scientific researcher belongs. The scientific research should be planned and written in accordance with internationally accepted academic scientific procedures. The student should continue his studies with the scientific supervisor and follow his and the scientific research that he is preparing instructions. Identifying and adhering to the optimal conditions for each step of scientific research in order to achieve an accurate and coherent scientific research that is supported by evidence and evidence. After selecting a phenomenon or problem for scientific research, one of the scientific researcher's responsibilities is to collect and review as many previous studies as possible on the subject of his scientific study. If the student encounters any problem, defect, or confusion while carrying out the steps of the scientific research, he/she can seek the assistance of the supervisor to help him get out of it and overcome it in the best way possible. Ascertain that the reliable sources are scientific sources, and that these sources and references are related to the problem of scientific research, in whole or in part, in order to be useful for scientific study and not to deviate from it. One of the most important duties of the scientific researcher is to rely on the method or scientific methods appropriate to the subject or problem of the research, as well as to choose the sample of the study that is appropriate to the study community, in a neutral manner free of whims, while selecting the appropriate study tools for research and statistical methods that help to reach accurate research results. Documentation of previous studies according to one of the internationally known scientific documentation methods is another challenging task for any scientific researcher.

Dr Abdullah Al Hatmi

The writer is assistant professor, microbiology research group leader at University of Nizwa, Natural and Medical sciences Research Centre, Microbiology Research Laboratory