
Listen to your inner cheerleader

As we were all born with only pure love inside of us, self-love is the epitome of coming back to source light, to the energy we were created in. Children have no issues with sharing and honouring their truest expression of emotions.

They do not possess even the smallest of concern that others will judge them.

As judgement of others is a studied skill.

Over time, adults learn to become so contrary in their beliefs due to many factors and past conditioning. In turn, our choices and decisions become easily swayed as we adopt the attitudes of others, worried the way we act does not abide by societal nor cultural demands.

However, who when following the herd has truly allowed their real, authentic self to shine?

One of the main reasons why our self-love turns into self-loathing is due to the mere fact we have become quite savvy in dissociating ourselves from our bodies and have learnt, as a protective mechanism, to remain in our heads.

The majority of humans become overthinkers as it’s far easier to rationally deduct reasoning to defuse a situation, rather than to sit in the discomfort of deciphering our emotions and feelings.

Self-loathing and the harsh inner critic co-exist together; their relationship is fuelled on misguided trust and negative co-dependency. Similarly our self-love and inner cheerleader have a wonderful, creative partnership too.

Becoming aware and mindful of how these two couples dance and feed off each other is the beginning to consciously creating a pattern interrupt, a disruption in your system.

Our ruthless inner critic has the loudest, cruelest voice. We judge ourselves much unkinder than anyone else does.

When we place ourselves in the empowering seat of truly understanding and believing all this is changeable, all the while connecting more with the truth of our inner cheerleader, the quicker we can give ourselves more credit and less criticism.

Self-love comes hand in hand with self-acceptance, self-honouring and self-reassurance.

When we are able to love ourselves for who we are, teamed with the dismissal of our critical inner critic, then automatically flows more self-compassion and self-worth.

When we understand that the negativity that’s being thrown at us is actually none other than our own voice of unreason, it’s far easier to manage rather than worrying about controlling everyone else’s thoughts and feelings.

Overtime, quietening the volume of our inner critic and increasing the joyous sounds of our inner cheerleader can only guarantee an upsurge of nourishment and nurturement to our self-esteem and indeed, in turn our confidence will strengthen and flourish too.

Remember when our self-love turns more into self-loathing, it’s our unforgiving inner critic rearing its’ ugly head attempting to make us lean into a certain thinking.

Tuning into your truth more will inevitably allow you to share more of your essence, regardless of what anyone thinks, because your self-love will be enhanced and your thinking will be more heartfelt.