
Create your colourful future

New discoveries, creative imagination and enhanced perspectives can break down old paradigms

With the new year upon us, what an apt time for introspection on the year gone by, a pertinent time to ponder on our valuable mistakes and a great time to gain insight upon reflection of events, moments and times 2022 brought us. Now is the perfect time to celebrate our wins too.

Out with the old and in with the new, as they say. Like with anything new-fangled, let’s grant ourselves the curiosity for new discoveries, creative imagination and enhanced perspectives which can overtime with consistent daily effort, break down old paradigms allowing the intake and learning of new phenomena.

Let’s gather all the experiences, positive and negative from 2022 and see if there are any similarities between them. Dissect your behaviours for patterns whereby procrastination possibly prevailed due to your perfectionistic tendencies. Did these likely stall your progression to a fruitful outcome? If so, time to rethink and rework your action plan, steps and strategies.

What do you envision to accomplish over the next 12 months? What is that thing you have been yearning to do but have been putting off? With a whole year upon us, establish monthly and quarterly tasks and goals. Let’s set ourselves up for success from the onset and implement small daily steps to allow the incremental flow and momentum of learning and growth.

Let’s get out of our heads more and tune into our hearts whereby the connection to our authentic self will be tethered and consequently the wisdom of our intuition will prevail; the guiding light we were born to follow. It’s especially prevalent in these times, with the information age in full swing and countless influences from so many varying platforms on the rise, we need to disconnect from external stimuli more in order to connect with our truth more, regardless of its representation.

The more we introspect in order to allow our flaws and insecurities to surface and the more we work on understanding our wounds, our triggers and the root causes of our challenges, the more we can work on attaining our goals. When we make peace with the past, the present is so much lighter and in turn the future considerably brighter.

I invite you to create a space to sit quietly everyday. Take ten long deep, slow breaths and allow your creative mind to wander imagining a year ahead filled with opportunity and growth – professionally, physically and emotionally. Visualise embracing the challenges you will undoubtedly face and know that it’s OK if you make mistakes, view them as valuable lessons, get back up and try again.

Let’s make 2023 a year of growth, contemplation, adaptation and progression. Goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about your ideal future and for motivating yourself to turn this vision into reality. The year ahead is a beautiful blank canvas, here’s to creating your colourful future.