
Effective Study Skills of Successful Students

Students differ in the way they study; some students fail as they lack adequate study habits.

Scientifically, students aren’t joined to schools with good skills but have made them by constant and deliberate practice of good study habits. In a study by Okesina (2019), it has been observed in high school students, who schedule their study time have positive study skills. In the process of learning, educational research proves the study habits of the students play an important role in their academic performance. The results show both study habits and academic achievement are interrelated and dependent on each other (Lucky& Fehintoluwa, 2020).

An effective study habit is defined as “a habitual dedication to targeted studying, they determine how well a study will progress academically beyond the areas of strength and weakness, it is pertinent that students observe to keep studying on time. Human beings have varied personalities, motivations, ability; when discussing study habits, all of these must be considered” (Okesina, 2019). Referring to the views of (Meneghetti, Beni& Cesare Cornoldi, 2007), during adolescence, students typically meet new study requirements, However, some students fail in study performance. Usually, teachers attribute school failures to the fact that students are not prepared and do not study enough. In light of this, a number of studies have analysed to what degree cognitive and metacognitive aspects, and their relationship, influence school achievement and improve effective study habits, cognitive processing includes skills that help learners carry out a specific study task (such as attention, language, memory, etc.) For example, in reading comprehension, high achievers showed greater organisational abilities, and a greater tendency to use previous knowledge to understand the text. In addition, High achievers memorised the content by using schema-driven strategies involving schemas, diagrams, tables, and note-making.

Some factors that could lead to poor study habits are (1) Economy Factor: the inability to provide necessary materials to meet the needs of students could culminate into poor study, Similarly, when there is no food, shelter, clothes, etc., it may serve as obstacles to studying.

(2) Environment: an individual/student who lives in a morally decayed environment and observes people who do not study getting rich, those who do not study, but successfully pass their examinations may lose interest in studying and shift to anti-social behaviours.

(3) Lack of learning materials or facilities: many schools do not have adequate learning facilities, such as libraries, and relevant books, and they are also not allotted time for reading in schools.

(4) Improper time management: when students have difficulty scheduling their study time over other tasks. Many students spend their time on activities that may not add up to their academic and personal development. For instance, a student spends the whole day on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or playing games.

These activities do not have any relationship with good academic performance of students. Conversely, they erode away students’ precious time that ought to be used for studying, whereas students need to be responsible for time management to handle their studies (Okesina, 2019).

To sum up, it is an exception that some students can breeze through school with minimal effort; the vast majority of successful students achieve their success by applying effective study habits, what’s more, the Quality of education is reflected through academic achievement which is a function of the study habits and studies attitudes of the students. To enhance the student’s learning gain, it is important to improve their study skills for them (Lucky& Fehintoluwa, 2020).