
Find your 'reason of being' for inner happiness

Unless you find your purpose, you will continue to live your life on autopilot. Following your dreams needs to be at the top of the list

Life is all about choices. Any direction you decide to take will bring about different outcomes.

Do you consciously take the time to find the answers to your burning questions or spend time in solitude figuring out your purpose in life? Do you grab direction by the horns or do you let yourself be taken by the currents?

The majority of us often take the easier way as it’s the known and familiar path which also coincides as being that of the least resistant. This coupled with the resignation to remain in our comfort zone often gives the feeling that we simply are not capable to accomplish more.

In order to break the mould and shatter the protective shell we have created and somehow “enriched” ourselves in, we need to take a long hard objective look at ourselves, where we currently are and where we wish to be.

To beat the dreaded feeling of unworthiness, stop playing the comparison game and start focusing on what you want.

So many of us know what we don’t want. Yet, do you really know what you do want? Do you know what will bring you true happiness and fulfilment? Take the time to figure out what lights you up and churns the fire in your belly.

The Japanese call it Ikigai, which means your ‘reason for being’, your life’s purpose.

Having a North Star as your guide is key to keeping you on track. This means having clarity with the vision on where you are headed, even without knowing the steps to reach there.

Allow the discovery of the unearthing of your true heart’s desire to envelop the passion, drive and commitment towards your fulfilment. It’s about unlearning what’s been learnt. It’s about returning to basics and truly understanding yourself at the core.

After knowing what you would like to do, be and feel, then make the required concise and concrete decisions in order to attain them. It’s far easier to work towards something, an end goal, even if we haven’t figured out the steps required in order to achieve it.

Behind every successful person is clarity of purpose. We all have those sacred 24 hours in a day. “I don’t have time” is the easiest (and poorest) excuse one can use. We always have and make time for the things we prioritise.

Unless you find your purpose, you will continue to live your life on autopilot. So I invite you to delve deep into your priorities. Following your dreams needs to be at the top of the list.

Identifying and honouring your ikigai is the foundation of a well-rounded life. It requires some courage because it opens up questions and ideas that might cause discomfort.

However, acknowledging and moving through them will gain you purposefulness and provide you with an inner compass that will guide every decision and lead you to the experiences that will light up your soul and guide you down the path of inner happiness.

Hyesha Barrett

The writer is a master life coach and NLP practitioner
