
Challenges are thorn-crowned opportunities!

Making your mind on something is generally very difficult and challenging, regardless how important the matter is! Perhaps, one sometimes, takes a decision that could be regretted later. Undoubtedly, most of us have experienced such an incident in a way or another. It is of course frustrating and hard to feel that you made a wrong or unlikable choice. If truth to be told, it is extremely irritating when it comes to making your mind up on money making or a job selection!

Don't you worry at all; it is just a very normal feeling and thought that everyone gets, especially when not sure of what decision to make. Likewise, one might regret a choice or a decision that had been taken. Thus, such scenarios stand as a learning experience! As Albert Einstein said, “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. This indicates that the person who is so careful that s/he never makes a mistake is unlikely to achieve anything of real value."

Whenever one does not give himself enough time to make his mind, he could get such kind of feelings or self-blame. Those very unpleasant thoughts and emotions remain itching in the mind and boiling in the hearts. However, it helps recalling things one has made or review a decision taken sometimes back; probably taken in a hurry or unplanned. With this critically distressing thinking and brainstorming, one gets to discover the slips and mistakes, which he/she learns from.

As it might be hard and intolerable experience; but with mistakes comes the learning lesson. One learns things from his reoccurring mistakes, so he can get things right in when taking a new decision. Hence, one shall never blame himself for making a mistake or undesirable decision for it could be the right one and he might realise that someday afterward. Post every experience that one comes across, there is a lesson behind that might not be discovered on spot. Yet, this is happening for one’s own good; the message could be received sooner or later, one regards it a curse and a failure.

The way in which one perceives and looks at things really counts to get the right decision taken on time. If one’s eyesight first hocks the positive side, then he/she will never feel lost; nothing is called a dead end or unsolved problem! Think positively and believe in the possibility to get things fixed the way you like. Problems are only opportunities with thorns on them. Opportunities do not come with their values stamped upon them.

One has to always remember, life is an experience and everyday is an opportunity to make a new happy ending. Live the moment and have some hope, which is the last to be ever lost in life. As Helen Keller, An American lecturer and creative author, said: “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”

Every test in our life makes us bitter or better, every problem comes to break or make us. The choice is ours whether we become a victim or a victor. Sometime, you just need to be more positive and roll the dice to make things come the way you wish for.

In some circumstances, fate is the only justification one attributes to for what happens to him. True, it is fate that one always relates things to, but it depends on the way one looks at things. One’s belief and confidence are behind the attitudes, perception of life and ultimately the decisions that one makes.