
Why so serious? Connect to your inner child more

Children laugh on average one hundred times per day, adults around ten.

Since when did we become so serious? As we grow up, our childlike wonder wanders off to some dark place hidden deep within us, fully submerged by the fear of other people’s judgement.

This usually impedes the flourishment of our creativity, playfulness and general desire to live in the moment.

Children don’t care what anyone thinks. Adults are so bogged down by their insecurities and destructive thoughts, which often hinder the person’s capability to let their guard down to show their true self.

These uncertainties mainly stem from repeated incidents throughout childhood which over time deepened the roots, further fuelling the patterns of negative behaviour and narrowed learnings.

The older we get, the more “responsible” we feel we need to be that we often let our own relaxation and happiness fall by the wayside.

Upon maturing and feeling the consequences of life’s challenges, we become increasingly morose and somehow lose the proficiency to laugh at trivial things.

As much as there are times to be serious, times to be silly are of equal worth, value and importance.

In order to grow, adults need to regain the forgotten joy of childhood through connecting with their inner child. Doing so will redeem our more humorous and playful side.

Our inner children are the carefree, happy go lucky, fun loving part of us that we so often quash.

Unfortunately, we hardly acknowledge our inner children as for the most part, we have been told while growing up, to ‘stop acting like a child’. Alas, we have developed an unhealthy relationship to our free spirited side.

Upon welcoming your inner child, you will be in pure and raw connection with yourself. This part is very crucial to the sustainable happiness of your overall emotional and mental well-being.

No matter what you’re going through and no matter what your day has been like, remember to inject some lightheartedness into your schedule.

Feeling connected to your inner child, can guarantee the spread to other areas of your life and you will see things through a much more colourful and fun lens.

When we are in a relaxed atmosphere, thoughts are more positive and ideas flow more authentically.

We push fun times aside thinking being serious will allow us to accomplish more. On the contrary, not taking yourself so seriously will reap finer rewards. Do things that made you happy as a child.

Dedicate a specific time just to yourself and enjoy the pastimes of childhood, eg: legos, role-play, dolls, playing ball, making dens, drawing, games, reading, and camping. If you can’t think of any activities that you enjoyed, simply watch funny videos.

Ensure to make regular time for fun and lightheartedness, this will help to rekindle the positive emotions of youth and allow you to enjoy the little things without giving too much attachment to the outcome.