
Energising children for back to school

Often as parents, we consider what our children will need when they return to school, and we usually concentrate on getting them school supplies to get through the school year. However, the most important things they may also need and those that cannot be bought or may not fit in a backpack are values and character strengths. It is possible to equip every child with it, and even better, when we do, it can transform their world.

Teaching and refreshing values from time to time are essential, especially at the beginning of each school year. The values we teach children will lay the foundation of who they are, both during their school years and in their life ahead.

Here are some tips on inculcating essential values that any child will need to get through school successfully:


When children are just starting school, the most important thing we need to remind them is to persevere. School is full of many challenges, and children need to remain steadfast and handle those challenges. If we do not persevere, we stand still, and if we are not resilient, we are stressed and defeated.

Whether a child is destined to fly through academics, excel at sport, or be the next great artist, there will be things they find challenging to master. For some children, it will be social skills; for others, it may be learning their spelling. However, they must master resilience, determination, and perseverance to overcome life's tough spots.

As a parent, it can be tempting to do things for children when they find things difficult. However, a great gift we can give them is to be their champion, their cheer leading squad. Taking this approach will show them that they can succeed even if, at first, something is difficult.


The beginning of the school year is the right time to remind children that failing is okay, and it teaches them that failure is not something to be feared but merely a stepping stone to growth. Also, it is much easier to learn that it is okay to fail, but children must learn to try several times again until they succeed. Also, as parents, we step in and nag, jostle and cajole a child into doing something but sometimes, children need to learn the consequences for themselves to be more motivated to prevent failure the next time.


Hard work and determination are essential values to teach children and have a lifelong impact on their future capabilities, confidence, and happiness. Teaching our little ones to work hard to achieve their goals and aspirations is one of the most critical skills.

Hard work teaches discipline, dedication, and determination. We should let children struggle to get their way, encourage them to stay up, to finish their work before sleeping, and not offer an easy way out. Here we should appreciate the effort more than the result and teach by example.


Children must repeatedly be reminded of the value of responsibility – for themselves and their belongings. Though this skill should be inculcated early on, a little reminder can still go a long way. Encouraging children to take responsibility for carrying their bags, remembering their books, and putting things away when they have used them teaches them responsibility. When children are required to do various tasks, they learn self-discipline, time management, empathy, and the consequences of their actions. The research on this subject shows that children who participate in household chores are more likely to succeed in school, careers, and personal relationships.