
You only live once – Wrong. You only die once

We are constantly at choice throughout our journey of life. However, unfortunately our negative mindset often interjects its’ persistent pessimism, which warps the way we look at choice. When you make life happen for you not to you, this mindset shift will rewire your thoughts to choose more empowering decisions.

Saying “I don’t have a choice” demeans your ability to take charge of your life. You can’t change the cards you are dealt with, but you can change the way you play them. No matter what we think, we are always at choice.

Nonetheless, we don’t often choose to take the undefined path, the unknown. We choose to take the path of least resistance. The one which we know will guarantee the outcome we expect. Conversely, this is often a downfall as there is no growth. Without growth, we are not progressing. Without progression, there is regression.

“You only live once” is the old adage. In fact, we only die once. We live each and everyday. We even live multiple stories in one day. Our lives can change in a flash, literally from one second to the next.

It really comes down to your everyday choices. Our subconscious mind runs most of our actions, so how consciously do you choose to do something different, daring, challenging, and unknown? As opposed to how often do you choose to hang out in the same places, see the same people, eat the same meals, and stick to your regular routine?

Long term, which one do you think will lead you to live a more fulfilling, fun, adventurous, successful and happier life?

If we choose to react in a helpless manner, the ground hog day effect can transpire and we will continually live a life in the shadows of what could be. Then, no wonder we are upset, bitter, disjointed, overwhelmed, overweight and overrun with feelings of resentment, guilt and shame. We have chosen a limited lens of life.

Sometimes, you may not identify that you have a choice because the circumstances are daunting. Negative thoughts can overpower you to the point where life looks like it is just a series of constraints rendering you powerless over the challenges you are facing. It is so easy to fall prey to your negative thoughts which will naturally deplete any chance of choice shining through. So, flows the endless loop of believing you don’t have a choice.

Through acknowledging that everything you do is inherently your choice in the making, a shift will occur. Instead of blaming the external environment, become proactive in pushing for what you want. Rather than feeling victimised by your circumstances, you will gather strength from it.

Notice how things will start shaping themselves into what you want them to be, because you are actively working on them.

Choose which outcome you want and follow through with the choices that will lead you there. With awareness, practice and continuous effort, this will allow you to live a meaningful life with proactive excitement, creating the results you want.