
Allow life to happen for you, not to you

We live in an era where there is so much going on, at all times. We are spoilt for choice and are constantly being bombarded from so many varying means and different platforms, which makes it difficult for us to focus our attention on one area without getting swayed by another.

As much as we don’t want to admit it, we are often lured down the enticing path towards the next “shiny object”. We are getting used to life happening at such a high speed that boredom can set in if things transpire at a slower pace.

However, this high level intensity is not sustainable in the long run.

With all the external stimuli and mental chatter, it’s no wonder we feel overwhelmed at times. When we slow down to the present moment, the noise quietens. Mindfulness is about choosing to pay attention to the present moment in a curious and non-judgmental fashion. Thoughts will automatically come; the key is to notice them and bring your wandering mind back to the now. When we make the conscious effort to slow down and notice when our thoughts wander, it’s much easier to re-centre ourselves.

Here are five simple steps to being more mindful:

- Breathe.

We often shallow breathe, which doesn’t allow our body to work at full capacity. As breathing for the most part happens on the unconscious level, we often take it for granted. Breathe deep, long and slow into your belly for a few minutes and repeat a word or “mantra”.

- Pay undivided attention to something that is part of your daily routine: brushing your teeth, driving, kids bedtime etc When your mind wanders, notice and bring your attention back to the activity.

- Really engage with what you are doing whether it be talking to a friend, cooking a meal, eating or reading a book. Focus on the little things that you would normally take for granted.

- Ground yourself.

Sit comfortably or go for a stroll and take the time to experience your surroundings with all of your five senses.

- Body scan awareness.

Focus your attention slowly and deliberately on each part of your body, from toe to head and release any tension. Be aware of any sensations, emotions or thoughts that arise. Acknowledge them, welcome them and let them go.

Mindfulness practices have been linked to improvements in body pain, lowered stress, enhanced concentration, mental clarity, boosted memory and stronger relationships. When we are more mindful, more present and more focused, this supports our overall mental health, emotional and physical well-being.

With practice and over time, being patient and holding compassion for yourself, you will be able to maintain a moment to moment awareness of your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and surrounding environment, without judgement nor criticism.

You will be able to let go much easier, and allow life to happen for you, not to you.