
Where our focus goes, our energy flows

We learn best when we remain flexible in our generalisations as when more experiences are gained and finer distinctions made

Imagine if all the millions of bits of information that was thrown at us, at every second of everyday were unfiltered and duly processed. This would be impossible for the brain to decipher without, literally exploding. We often think we act on impulse, yet this is far removed from the truth.

We are only able to process around 50 bits of information per second. Our brains make calculated moves depending on the exterior factors at play; all of which have a massive compounding effect on our overall well-being.

Even though we don’t like to admit it, nor even quite understand it, our subconscious mind is hardwired and driven by past experiences.

Our memories both good and bad, attitude, values, identity and beliefs play a massive role in how we perceive the world. This is referred to as our ‘internal representation’ that adapts according to any external event.

Everyone is living their life according to their own filters and depiction of the world. Our brain uses three powerful filtering mechanisms namely deletion, distortion or generalisation to ensure we remain on a par with our thoughts.

Our brilliant brain detects what you pay attention to, what you like, what your patterns of behaviour are and will then bring more of those things into your life.

This works for the positive and the negative. Depending on where our focus goes, our energy flows.

Deletion is the survival mechanism that budgets precious and limited attention to those things that will help us live longer, safer and better.

Distortions are a way of filtering our senses so that things fit in with what we expect or believe.

Generalisations are a process that allow us to categorise the world in terms of how things are alike or different.

We learn best when we remain flexible in our generalisations as when more experiences are gained and finer distinctions are made. This allows us to have a looser grip on the first impression and be more malleable to change.

Our filtering systems are instrumental to our progression. Without them, we are mindlessly following and blindly being subjected to outside influences beyond our control or sphere of interest.

With the filtering mechanisms at play, we are more zoned into honing our specific skill-set in order to enhance our overall quality of life.

Being aware that the choices we make and the decisions we take are the consequences of the unconscious filtering our brain does to protect us, will allow us to consciously make a bigger effort to enhance the mechanisms to our benefit.

When we follow the path of understanding oneself, coupled with the desire to learn, the incentive to be and do better, I guarantee you that when you let go of the things that no longer serve you and focus more on the things that you know are good for you, the filtering mechanisms will work exponentially more in your favour and bring about more of what you want in your life.