
All change is hard at first

Habits are a collection of single moment decisions that eventually become more repetitive and familiar over time. It’s only when we look back that we see our habits being formed; they are the result of our constant choices to do the same thing over and over again.

We all possess positive and negative habits. They are always producing results, it’s whether we like them or not which change the way we perceive them.

When the pain of changing the habit becomes greater than the pain of not changing, that’s when the switch will be flipped. That can happen in an instant. The moment you decide the new thing which will replace the habit is of equal worth, then you will have more leverage to change it.

A habit is hard to break dependent on several factors namely on how long you’ve had it, the social need it fulfils, the physical or emotional reward it provides and how strongly you would like to change it.

Improving habits are about finding the reason to change, it’s not your ability to change. When the reason is big enough, then you will move anything and everything in your way to make it happen.

Changing habits are about getting progressively better. They are hardwired from an early age and it will take conscious, mindful effort and intentional focus to change them. It won’t happen in a day.

From here on forth, what habits can you do that support you becoming the person you want to become? Remember inside the process, there is progress. There is no demand for perfection, it’s all about learning, growing, adapting and trying again.

Here are 12 tips on how to create permanent change:

1.Reflect and introspect on the habit you want to change. Get crystal clear on your reasons.

2.Set goals of what you want to achieve and create a timeline of deadlines.

3.Start small and remain consistent. Consistency is key.

4.Commit to 60 days. It takes this amount of time for the shift to occur from the conscious to the unconscious.

5.Make it fun and incorporate it into your daily routine.

6.Have an accountability partner. We can often let ourselves off the hook but rarely like to let others down.

7.Foresee obstacles and challenges that might set you back.

8.It’s fine if you lose focus one day, resume the next.

9.Track your progress. Collected data gives you the proof you need to know you are moving forward.

10.Celebrate the wins.

11.Remove temptations and distractions.

12.Do it for yourself not for others.

All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and fantastic at the end. Commitment, deep desire, focus and undivided attention will ensure you have continuous momentum to creating the right balance of habits that support you in your life.