
Tips to rewire brain to experience more ease and flow

Ease and flow is not about life being easier but all about learning how to live with what is while creating what we want. When you feel at ease at work you might still have the same amount of work but the experience of doing the work is different. Instead of feeling stressed, you are able to breathe easier at work. The beautiful by-product of this is that the less stressed you feel the easier your work might become. Even though we aren’t trying to make things easier, it might simply start to feel that way because you become stronger.

Similarly, the flow doesn’t mean there are no bumps and challenges along the way. Flow means knowing how to deal with them when they come up without feeling overwhelmed.

Now that we know what ease and flow mean and decide what we like more , what do we do?

Remember, ease and flow is a mindset game. What’s blocking it from your reality is simply, what you think and what you believe. The way to invite more ease and flow into your is to tackle the mindset with which you approach life.

The number one mindset tip that I believe we all need to learn is the art of choosing again. When a sabotaging thought or a limiting belief comes up, notice it and then choose again. It’s not about putting an end to the thoughts. They will come up. Doubt will come up. Fear will come up. You are sometimes going to want to give up. It’s not about reaching a stage where you eliminate these thoughts and feelings. It’s all about learning not to let them define you, stop you, or shape you.

You are human and while sometimes doubting yourself is normal, you can always choose again. You can choose to believe in yourself, believe that good things will happen, believe you are on the right path. When you have a limiting belief or sabotaging thought that comes up, notice it. Do not judge yourself for having it. Notice it like a cloud in the sky and then visualize it floating away.

You get to choose what is in your highest service. Remember that.