
Love forms spiritual reaction and chemistry

As February is known as the month of love as Valentines Day falls on 14th of this month. However, this is not the only day of love in the year where one could celebrate love with a wife, a mother, a friend or others. Some represent their love to their dear ones by purchasing heart-shaped chocolates or baking heart-shaped cookies and celebrate the day! To love and to be loved is actually a basic and genuine human instinct. Accordingly, this insists that we look for a mate to emotionally survive and have something deeply essential and spiritual to our soul.

Love, as an emotional need, is powerful; it is as strong as medication for its effect on human brain. Scientists have monitored the impact of love on the brain patterns of love-hooked individuals using imagery of their loved one. The results showed that the part of the brain, which responds to love feeling, is the same that reacts to powerful drug addiction. This reflects the strong effect that love can impose on people, as drugs are able to heal their sickness.

One of the scientists has been researching the effects of love on human brain for around three decades. Love stimulates the brain exactly the same way as powerful painkillers or drugs. However, there is a lot of interesting interrelationship between the feeling of love and the feeling of pain. This is because love and drugs target the same ‘feel-good’ chemical in the brain, which is called dopamine. Likewise, it is also highly influential in the management of pain, so love really does hurt sometime!

When we value love, we are not only willing to sacrifice for others and support them, but we also realise there is nothing wrong with being helpless. Many people define love as their sense of life, and it makes love even more important, but in all these cases love is regarded the main feeling and power of life. Plato said, “Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back.” In fact, love is another form of dedication, passion and consistent performance.

Love is not a relationship between nations; rather it is a condition of mind brought about by the tranquility of soul. Love is not only the absence of war, but it reflects a state of peace that one needs. To evaluate a lasting love relation means to understand the value of a situation and act upon it wisely. Simply, love is not something we can buy; it has to be created and treasured between people. It has been said that love does not just sit there like a stone, but it has to be made like bread; remade all the time and made new.

Over the years, love will always remain critically a significant necessity throughout human existence. Love is a powerful chemical for it transforms and evolves during relationships and the journey of human lifetime. That is why an early passionate love cannot last at the same level of desire and intensity. Therefore, it starts along the way of a relationship to have a more solid and durable state, which serves cementing the relationship between two people together throughout the different challenges and experiences both come across in their life.

Albert Einstein attributed that one cannot blame gravity for falling in love. Hence love and compassion and love and are necessities, not luxuries in life. In view of that, love is the principle, which creates and sustains relations between human beings. Love complements humans to one another like the different colours of a rainbow, which exist to make each other more beautiful with no envy, jealousy, or hatred between colours. Overall, love is the crowning grace of humanity, the holiest right of the soul, the golden link, which connects us to duty and truth, the redeeming principle that primarily reunites the heart to life, and is predictive of endless good.