
Do you believe in the existence of your deepest desires?

We want so much in life. We want to experience, hold, and have so much. We have desires and dreams for ourselves. We spend our time wishing for it to be our reality or we spend our time working towards making it our reality, often it’s a combination of both. Yet, we wonder why aren’t we receiving what it is we want. Why doesn’t like look the way we wish did? Why no matter how hard we work our dreams still feel out of reach?

If this is you... If this even slightly resembles your thoughts... know that it’s normal to feel this way. We all do at times. If you want a change in your reality you have to start changing your perspective.

Receiving what you desire starts with believing in its existence. You want this big, immersive, successful life for yourself, but you do believe it exists? Do you believe it is possible? Do you believe it can be yours? What are the limiting beliefs or sabotaging thoughts stopping you from fully welcoming the existence of your desires into your reality?

A lot of us have grown up believing that we can only have so much, be so much, and do much. Sometimes our dreams and desires go far beyond that. Since we only see and believe in the ‘so much’ we aren’t able to fully embrace our desires and dreams. Even though we might want it for ourselves, even though we might be working extremely hard towards it, there is still a part of us that doesn’t completely believe it's possible or exists.

This sense of disbelief or sabotage can manifest in the form of negative thoughts, excuses, or fear. As much as we want something we are afraid that it doesn’t really exist. Fear protects us from danger. So fear in this instance keeps us from full investing in ourselves and in our journey. We are living with the what if it doesn’t happen mentality. That’s a mentality that can become a major block in actually receiving anything because you are already planning and getting ready for what will happen when you don’t receive it because there is a part of you that never believed it existed in the first place.

If you don’t believe something exists how will you ever be able to receive it? Our reality is created in our minds. Yes it takes hard work, consistency, and determination to make your dreams your reality, but it also takes just believing that it exists.

So, sit down and ask yourself if you believe in the existence of your desires. If the answer is no, start to look at what are thoughts and beliefs that are stopping you or telling you that you are not safe to believe in it’s existence. Doing this work is important. This is how you open yourself up to receive. This is how you create the reality you desire. Receiving what you desire starts with believing in its existence.

The author is a Mindset and Embodiment Coach who works with female entrepreneurs on making their dreams their reality through personal development and business growth. Contact details: vanessaseymour.com, email@vanessaseymour.com; Instagram: @vanessa.seymour