
Learning from plants: Valuable insights for human thriving

The plant probably knows it is just a short duration for it to enjoy the glory of being there anchored and alive to everything that is moving in the nature from stopovers of butterflies to raindrops, but it does it with full satisfaction enjoying the moment, the day, the week, the month, the season

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The seeds lying on ground have been awakened by the recent rains transforming the brown mountains and hills to shades of green.

The rocky surface has sprouted sturdy plants and they are least concerned regarding soil and fertilizers.

This reminds us about the potential and possibilities we have in life.

Most of the time we end up comparing ourselves with others and we think we must be part of that norm to achieve what others have.

And here is the plant looking at me through the window cheerfully fluttering the leaves in the gentle breeze, as if to ask, “What are you complaining about?”

The plant probably knows it is just a short duration for it to enjoy the glory of being there anchored and alive to everything that is moving in the nature from stopovers of butterflies to raindrops, but it does it with full satisfaction enjoying the moment, the day, the week, the month, the season.

It does so with full confidence as it lets its seeds fly with the wind to reach any patch of soil or pots and even on its own rocky home in this mountain corner. For if it unfortunately withers it knows the next winter or shower of rain will bring it alive again as the seeds sprout. No amount of temperature and sunshine will deny its appearance again to prove its existence. It appears like wild spinach and do not have pretty flowers to impress me but I am not going to deny its existence by calling it a weed to be cleared, for it shows me the meaning of life.

It tells me, “accept and expect.”

Accept nature’s way and know your turn will come, so why ruin this moment and not enjoy what it is offering? Expect the worst if you want to be prepared for the worse so there are no surprises and shocks.

At the same time, we can expect and hope for the best. So often we are so carried away with what we think is crisis only to realise the goodness behind it.

All we have to do is pause, take a deep breath, hold and slowly release it. Half of our creativity is achieved facing challenges. Can you imagine a life without deadlines? It is how we meet the deadlines that make the difference.

They say do not worry about the past because it is not yours anymore, do not worry about the future because it is still not a reality and then you have this day and this moment. What and how you are going to handle it is in your hands. In fact, it is up in your thoughts.

A shift in thought can transform the process. We can do it differently and see if there is anything achievable with a new approach. For sure, the calendar gives you 365 chances and that means not just a second chance. So we can try again and again until we hit the formula of success as per our terms.

We bring up resolutions and we give up, never questioning ourselves, but excuses we have plenty.

The process can be begun by just asking one question- what is our purpose in life?

Lakshmi Kothaneth


The writer is a senior journalist and a radio anchor