
No winter lasts forever

The year 2021 has bid farewell, announcing the start of a new chapter in the book of 2022. As the American Author and journalist, Hall Borland, said, “No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn”. Everything in life is temporary and nothing lasts and so are years, transiting one after another. They bring different experiences, challenges and opportunities in various forms throughout their days.

In 2022, it is the time to decide what to note down or stamp on the blank pages of this book. This is another chance given to make things even better than the past year. Hence, people are differently observing this new book of life; each has certain ideas, plans and dreams that are planned for the 365 days of opportunities throughout the 12-month journey. But, one has to remember that life is about accepting challenges, choosing to keep moving and enjoying the journey.

People represent a product of their past, but one should not be a prisoner of it and stick to what no longer exists. Therefore, as we welcome a new year, it is time to say goodbye to the past and say hello to the new opportunities. Probably, it could be hard, but one has to let go all unpleasant experiences, challenges and disappointments or failures. In fact, every moment gives a new beginning and a new ending, so everyone literally gets a second chance every day!

Similarly, every time it rains, it stops raining and everything that goes up comes down. After darkness, there is always light; we are recall this every morning, but somehow we do not see it. Nobody knows what new challenge or obstacle comes the next day, but we always have two options, either to take control or to fold under pressure. It is not always about what happens to us, rather how we choose to handle the storms. In fact, the strongest people do not quit, but they simply grab their umbrellas and keep moving forward.

Khalil Gibran, a Lebanese poet and writer, said, “Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” In view of that, when challenges bring you down, do not give up; stand strong like the tree, which stays strong no matter how heavy the thunder is or how strong the wind blows. Trials and challenges are part of life, so do not be demotivated; be courageous, focused and persistent. Every time you stand stronger, God will uplift you and make you stronger than ever before.

As life is hard and takes work, achieving your dreams and objectives takes work and requires sacrifices too. It is attributed that our most beautiful dreams are born from our most unpleasant nightmares. Our spirit, sometimes, gets weak when we act in fear and lose hope while chasing our dreams. However, we get stronger as we believe in hope and have faith to meet and conquer the challenges we face. Achieving dreams and objectives is never an easy mission.

Nobody has not experienced failure in life, but failure offers a natural checkpoint on your journey, so it allows you to evaluate your way and principles of making improvements. When you fail, you get the chance to review your decisions and behaviours. Such a review can bring important details, which you possibly missed the first time, so you can take a better approach the next time. Then, no matter how hard or impossible it is, never lose the sight of your dreams. Every morning is a symbol of rebirth of life. Take a deep breath, open the door to the future and start a brand new chapter in your life.