
Budget 2022: Transport sector to get a subsidy of RO 80 million

Muscat: The appropriations allocated for subsidies under 'Contributions and Other Expenses' for subsidies are estimated at RO1,071 million.

These include subsidies for electricity, water, sewage, and waste sectors. In addition to subsidies for oil products, housing, and development loans. These allocations can be illustrated as follows:

Housing Aid, Social Housing Scheme, and Housing Loans

In 2021, the number of households that benefited from the social housing scheme reached 1247 households, with a total cost of RO 29,631 million. The amount allocated for such a scheme shall remain at the same level in 2022.

Oil products subsidy

The total appropriations allocated for oil products subsidy are estimated at about RO 35 million.

Electricity and water subsidy

An amount of RO 575 million has been allocated for electricity and water subsidy.

Transport subsidy

The transport sector is planned to receive a subsidy worth RO 80 million.