
Reputation is the best marketing tool

The bold ones meanwhile are moving from one field to the other, which was not the case in the past

Each person must have something they like to do in which they have keen interest. For the lucky few their passion turns out to be a way of life.

Practicing their hobby can also be a sanctuary in its own right. In fact, it is the hobby at times that makes a career. The reason being sheer practice taking the person’s ability to professional standard. If the hobby generates income then it is a career.

It is dedication that brings in the extra finesse.

We often criticise children being on mobile phones and playing video games and rightfully so because physical fitness is important. But we must think again before shooing them off from technology because this is where the jobs are going to be. The field is evolving and we are already approaching 2022 and the experts are talking about the career opportunities in 2030.

The current youth are already finding it difficult to find the right opportunity but that is not to say they cannot adapt the new scenario and create a niche for themselves.

The bold ones meanwhile are moving from one field to the other, which was not the case in the past. The chosen major in the past was a life long investment but now it looks like we might have to make quite a few maneuvers to keep going. The adaptability would be one of the most needed capabilities.

Listening to Dr Amer al Rowas, Chairman of Oman Society for Petroleum Services, Opal, at Future Skills and HRD AI 2021 talk about the future where humans could be the service providers, which were the role of software made one realise how soon it is becoming a reality. He also touched upon the reality where companies might move on to take up services from freelancers.

It probably means if you are a graduate waiting for the right break maybe it is about time to begin experimenting with freelancing. There is a disadvantage though - when one is employed (their term might be old fashion soon) there is quite a bit one learns by just being in an organisation. So this could be a loss.

On the other hand the freelancers can enjoy the freedom of providing services in more than one organisation. In the Sultanate of Oman there are youngsters who have created space for themselves. This also means an opportunity for SMEs to enjoy services, which might not be otherwise available due to the expense of employing a professional.

This is also an ideal situation for retirees. They can be back in the career providing their expertise and SMEs would benefit again.

All this probably means developing communication skills because now it is not just about finding a job and staying there with a huge build In system to back you up.

As Dr Rowas said, “Each one would have to deal with making customers happy because you are not just a problem solver at the service providing organisation, for example.” In other words you provide the service but also deal with the customer. Gig economy has a whole list of jobs: web designer, graphic designer and branding, freelance writing, pet sitting, driving for Uber, food delivery or being virtual assistant.

Gig economy has already been here in the Sultanate of Oman for many years where taxi drivers also had morning jobs.

Again it has its challenges because a normal job guarantees many benefits such as retirement plans and health insurance, members of gig economy are on their own. It also means they have to be their own accountants and marketing promoters.

But while the wait is on there are some youngsters (graduates) who are taking up delivery jobs currently. The parents are not so sure about it, but in fact they should be proud of them. Instead of falling into the trap of negative thoughts they are on the move to make their time matter.

For no matter what the economy is, attitude and aptitude make all the difference to scale oneself, as where there is competition these two qualities become part of the branding. Reputation is the best marketing technique.