
Raw cut diamond needs to be polished

The low pressure development in terms of weather brings in a bit of concern to the mind. The current route of the trough was also set towards North Al Batinah again making one wonder about the pattern.

Humans too fall into patterns and there are many times we wonder why are we experiencing the same situation over and over again?

Sometimes we tend to attract the same kind of scenario and at times bringing in same kind of people into our lives. While there is not much one can do about the family one is born into, when it comes to friends and acquaintances people tend to avoid once it becomes bothersome.

To some it may seem signs of selfishness but for others it might be switching on the survival mode. Yet there would be others who are willing to adjust to the situation, sometimes a bit of a sacrifice to hold onto a job for instance.

Meanwhile, for many youngsters who are waiting for the right opportunity to break into the job market, the delay is unbearable but it might be the right opportunity to test the waters in different ways. For one thing the world is different from the one it used to be when under the parents wings and nurturing environment of educational institutions.

There can be a low pressure brewing or thunderstorms and even a flash flood. So the waiting period is not to be spent indoors in the comfort zone but out there meeting people, interacting and experiencing situations. Because when you eventually settle in job market arena it is people that make the difference.

Maybe more emphasis should be laid on communication and basic psychology.

The rough diamonds have been cut during education but now they need to be polished. As someone said the successful people were not just lucky they were also not afraid of failures. They probably have people skills too.

Fulfilling a vision needs team effort and that may not be achievable if some of the team members are constantly hurt or going through mental anguish over words spoken or comments. After all a flower is complete only when all its petals have spread out.

The truth is there is opportunity for everyone so let us not waste time on commenting on others but instead observe and learn from others while finding your own expression.

For many of us it was a set pattern of sticking to one career path until retirement. In a way they are safe to depend on too. But continuous learning is the need of the hour because each field is dynamic.

The times have changed and youth of today are lucky that they are in this era where the possibilities are endless and side hustles are the norm. So do not wait for the train or the bus to arrive, go on and sail — watch the wind and let there be no low pressure or storm. These are the emotions. We need to know the emotions to recognise them in order to control them.

This is experience so when the real deal arrives you are ready with finesse.

And the toughest of interactions can be the best of learning experiences, which we only realise much later.