
Together we will survive and build afresh

Muscat, Oct 4

Many things in life are not stable. They keep changing often. This is the nature of life where days are full of surprises and different experiences that could offer valuable lessons. What matters is how to learn from such experiences. Very often, we do not get it straight as learning could happen the hard way.

Weather, as one of the unstable things in life, brings sometimes a range of extraordinary experiences to people. It may be tough, scary or pleasant. Rains nourish life or wreak havoc.

Rain usually signifies freshness, happiness, hope and love as the saying goes: “After the rain, there will be time to love again”. It recharges people and land alike. It brings life to the land that is dry as a bone. Whether it rains cats and dogs or it just drizzle; people love rain a lot.

People overwhelmingly cheer when it rains and many regard it as a perfect time to release the pain of sadness, despair and stress. Others consider it as a chance to make their wish come true and ask for more blessings in life.

However, the shock comes when the showers coupled with cyclones bring unforeseen disasters. It upends people’s lives and damages property. It is more painful for people, especially those living in mountainous and coastal areas.

The Sultanate faced many cyclones and floods in the past. The citizens, young and old, stood together to help each other in such challenging times. All for one and one for all. We worked hard to bring life to normal for everybody. It was a real time of sacrifice. As Mahatma Gandhi said: “A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.”

Likewise, during such circumstances all government authorities concerned leave no stone unturned in such situations. All parties join forces to calm people down and ensure stability to all citizens and residents in the country. All required precautionary procedures are always taken into account.

The saying “which doesn’t kill you, makes you strong” describes the true nature of Omanis. They always stand as a role model of courage, wisdom and solidarity at hard times. All the hard situations that Omanis have come across over the past years reflected the unity and harmony of Omanis as one body.

The late Sultan Qaboos bin Said, May his soul rest in peace, once addressed Omanis, saying: “The Government and the people are as one body. If one of its limbs fails to do its duty, the other parts of the body will suffer. We hope that you will think well of us and at the same time we hope that we shall think well of you”.