
Public perception is also important!

When devising communication and media strategy to build good reputation, it is important to focus on the preparation of content. This is the formula practiced by all organisations, be it government or private. It is important because riding on the back of it strong relations are built between them and the masses.

But it is unfortunate that most of the organisations are not realising the significance of proper preparation of the media content and its management in the print, electronic and

social media. This is the reason why many of its highly beneficial initiatives face undue public criticism and become ineffective.

Despite all this, many organisations do not learn any lesson on how to manage media content where public opinion is also respected. Perhaps the way the announcement of the names of those who were recruited in the public sector was one of the examples which needed content preparation.

The organisations should revisit their strategy on how they are preparing the contents meant for explaining their role, responsibilities and duties, instead of just publishing group photos of new recruits in a manner which does not match with the stature of any organisation.

We are of the firm view that the organisations make lot of work which needs to be highlighted, but in a proper manner. It is unfortunate that most of its valuable contributions to the society and the country as a whole have remained out of sight. Public perception should match with the volume and type of the initiatives.

Media is not mere screens, pieces of papers or chat on social media. It is also not audio and video clips. It is primarily content prepared in a manner which matches with the format of print, audio-visual and electronic media.

If the content is weak, it will never convey the message to the targeted audience. Instead, such material may draw ire and prove to be counterproductive.

When we watch channels such as CNN, BBC or Al Jazeera, it is not because of the dress and make-up of the anchors and presenters. We watch them because of their content they present to their viewers. The content is made of the style of writing.

Those who work behind the camera are more important in preparing the content. They do this round the clock, look into it with precision, keeping in mind the required approach and know what impact the content would make when it would be presented by the presenters. Sometimes, they restructure the same content if they need to repeat them in their programmes, so that they appear fresh and are not boring for the viewers.

It is the content on the back of which public opinion moves. This is what makes perception about organisations, private firms, and their initiatives. Therefore they need to be of quality and are balanced so that they reflect a positive image about the subject and convince the minds of the people.

There are several stages of preparation of contents, from collection of information and data to writing and editing. They go through several processes by different people who are masters in their areas of specialisation. Now everybody is using social media, including government and private sector organisations. All of them need proper content to present on these platforms so that they can achieve their objectives. They do not compromise on the quality as it shows their own reputation.

Any ignorance of any aspect of the work is counterproductive. Preparation of the content is the key. They are done according to each platform, print to electronic. Different social media platforms also have their own format of content. It is not enough just to upload the content. It is important to engage with those who are engaging with the content through chat or comment.