
French grapefarm owners face worst harvests in history

French grape farm owners are bracing for a miserable harvest in 2021, with the yield expected to decline by 24 to 30 per cent on the year, due to damaging frost that struck in April, the AgricultureMinistry announced in Paris on Friday.

With an estimated 32.6 to 35.6 million hectolitres, this year’s grape harvest is set to become one of the worst in the grape-loving nation’s history, dropping to levels only seen in 1977.

Almost all grape-growing districts were affected, the ministry said, with the early-blossoming vines of the Chardonnay and Merlotvarieties particularly hit. The subsequent wet weather also favoured diseases, it said.

The late frost has also impacted the apricot harvest in France, according to data provided by the ministry, with the worst harvest in42 years expected in the sector.

However, at the moment growers are achieving higher prices for their apricots than the average of previous years. -- dpa