
Show gratitude to cement relationships...

When friends, relatives or couples, for instance, recognise and appreciate each other, it undoubtedly brings positivity; a buffer against negative vibes.

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, people forget to thank their friends, relatives and even their life partner for the beautiful things they do for them. We take them for granted.

Perhaps this pandemic could be the perfect moment to step back and re-evaluate how to show gratitude for even minor things. In fact, here I am talking about instilling a virtue that we adults must learn before we teach this to our children.

You may agree with me that this is more difficult than it seems, as we note that one of the facts of long-term relationships (be it friendship, kinship or marital ties) is the issue of getting used to, with diminishing response to the actions of others important to our lives over time.

We must have come across many instances where we happily forget to notice the ways loved ones and close people make our lives smoother. And if I am not mistaken, some individuals tend to overestimate their role in any relationship and underestimate the amount of work contributed by the other party or his partner.

When friends, relatives or couples, for instance, recognise and appreciate each other, it undoubtedly brings positivity; a buffer against negative vibes.

Every action has an opposite reaction depending on the nature of the action. If one of the spouses says or does something a bit harsh, it will trigger a harsher response from the opposite side. If you are appreciated for your actions, you are more likely to do more nice things for your partner, causing your partner perhaps to do nicer things for you. And the cycle of life continues.

In a way, that gratitude and acknowledgment of the favor received will definitely lead to a positive change in your life, especially since thankfulness brings health, happiness and better communication. Not to mention that it creates positive energy that enhances immunity and refutes envy and cancels negative energy.

However, gratitude is not a panacea for all problems, especially since in family relationships problems such as emotional or physical abuse cannot be ignored or covered with superficial appreciation!

Gratitude should not mean forced politeness or lukewarm response when you don't feel like it! Even better, when your true appreciation allows you to share that positivity with your relative and partner, you seize the moment.

(The author is a physician, a medical innovator and a writer)