
Oman participates in Arab Civil Aviation meetings

RABAT: The Sultanate participated in the 26th session of the General Assembly of the Arab Civil Aviation Organization (ACAO) which was held in the Moroccan capital, Rabat.

At the end of the session, the "Rabat Statement" was issued, underscoring the main role for which the Arab Civil Aviation Organization was established as a specialized Arab organization under the League of Arab States. The Organization targets to foster cooperation and coordination between Arab countries in the field of civil aviation and its development.

The statement said that the ACAO is based on the charter of the League of Arab States and the pivotal role it plays to encourage Arab-Arab cooperation through a group of specialized organizations formed at different levels inside and outside the Arab League.

The statement emphasized the commitment of the member states to the principles and objectives enshrined in the agreement whereby the ACAO was established, particularly those roles related to strengthening the bonds of unity and solidarity between the member states while defending their general interests and enhancing coordination among them and with international organizations and regional blocs.

The statement called for direct talks with countries and unions with a view to achieving mutual recognition for vaccination certificates, urging the lifting of travel restrictions while taking into account the health measures related to international traffic. — ONA