
Apply caution as country opens up


All preventive measures against coronavirus need to be exerted as the country has opened up more sectors and the number of cases as well as casualties jumped high.

Prayer gatherings at the mosques, events, weddings, gyms, beaches and entry of children below 12 to shopping malls are some of the few areas which the Supreme Committee tasked with strategic planning against the pandemic had opened up on Wednesday.

"This is the time when every single person needs to take care and make sure all his family members too abide by the preventive measures against the virus. Remember, a person's carelessness can cause another suffer," an MoH official has told the Observer.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has reiterated the necessary measures that one should take against the pandemic as the world is opening up and marching towards normalcy.

Accordingly, any event during the Covid-19 pandemic, no matter how large or small, should rely on a risk-based approach. Any event, be it small, or non-professional gatherings and events such as birthday parties, children’s football games, family occasions, precautions need to be considered include actions to prevent transmission between people, and where to hold the venue and how it can be modified to make a safer environment.

However, avoiding a big event is an option that should always be considered, especially in case of non-essential events or when precautions cannot be implemented or adequately communicated.

"One should always check local regulations before attending an event.

Stay at home if you are feeling unwell," the WHO updated guidance on how such a risk-based approach can be taken says.

The basic preventive measures that each person who wants to step out and enjoy the relaxed restrictions on any time of the day, needs to be taken are simple procedures that anyone can take.

1) Maintain at least 1 metre distance from others, and wear a mask if you cannot guarantee this distance.

2) Cover a sneeze or cough with a tissue or bent elbow, and immediately dispose of tissue in a closed-lid bin. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.

3) Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, or with a hand sanitizer.

Employees at restaurants, or other accommodation establishment should doubly adhere to some basic precautions:

1) Wash all parts of your hands frequently (at least 20 seconds if using an alcohol-based hand rub, and at least 40 seconds with soap and water), including after exchanging objects such as money or credit cards with guests.

2) Cover a cough or sneeze with a bent elbow or tissue and throw away the tissue in a closed bin.

3) Maintain at least a 1 metre distance from other staff and guests. This includes avoid hugging, kissing, or shaking hands. If you can’t guarantee the distance, wear a fabric mask. Be sure to check local and national guidelines on the use of masks.

4) Staying behind plexiglass boards at reception and concierge desks can prevent droplet transmission.

5) Teleworking may be a possibility for some jobs, which can help reduce physical contact with others.

6) Make wearing a mask a normal part of being around other people although the use of a mask alone is not sufficient to provide an adequate level of protection against COVID-19.

"Having reminded of the precautions, remember, safety against the pandemic is everyone's responsibility and any pitfall by anyone can result in collateral damage," he further said.