
Walking on the beach is permitted, but no gathering: ROP

Major Mohammed al Hashami
Major Mohammed al Hashami
There has been uncertainty about the activities that are allowed and not allowed under the current Supreme Committee decisions.

Observer spoke with Major Mohammed al Hashami, Royal Oman Police. One of the major debates that went on the social media was whether gyms would fall under sports and would it come under the ban.

When asked whether the gyms would remain open for the public Major al Hashmi clarified that gyms are officially closed under the current Supreme Committee decisions.

Throughout the weekend a prominent question was whether it is okay to go hiking. According to the ROP official, “Hiking as an individual sport is allowed. Even walking outdoors for fitness is allowed but it has to be before the lockdown hours.”

Walking on the beach permitted as long as the distance is maintained at all times at the same time absolutely no gathering is allowed.

Another debate has been on whether children can play outdoors in groups.

Major al Hashami replied, “It is parents decision but the fact is distance would have to be maintained and definitely not a large group. Parents should take precautions for the safety of their children.”

Out from the list of outdoor activities is camping. “Camping is not allowed under current circumstances,” he pointed out.

According to the Muscat Municipality coming under closure are also activities that are held in the enclosed sports hall, artificial turf pitches, fitness clubs and centers, bowling lounges, ice skating centers, and halls that are used for martial art.