
Exit scheme: Over 46,000 expats leave Oman


As many as 65,173 expatriate workers have applied to rectify their irregular status and 46,355 of them have been able to leave the Sultanate terminally.

In a statement issued today, the Ministry of Labour pointed out that the period designated for adjusting the status of (non-abiding) expatriate workers will end on 31 March. After this deadline, no applications for rectification of labour status will be entertained, said the Ministry, noting that expat workers benefiting from the grace period have to leave by 30 June 2021 at the latest.

Salim Said al-Badi, Director General of Labour Welfare at the Labour Ministry, said that a large number of expatriate workers benefited from the grace period by registering at the Ministry’s website ( or through Sanad Offices.

Al Badi reaffirmed that no such applications will be accepted after 31 March and that the expats benefiting from the grace period have to leave by 30 June 2021. After that, all applications and approvals will be cancelled, said al Badi, whose assertion implies that any further delay entails the penalties prescribed in the law.